Wednesday, February 22, 2012

This course has brought me a new way of looking at the different ideas that are going to be implemented with in a program at school.  The program can be simple or complex depending on the need of the students.  There are certain aspects that need to be followed through before an action is taken place with the students. In listening to lectures from Dr. Arterbury and Dr. Jenkins, they helped me identify some key components that allowed me to use different strategies to problem solve.  Our online lectures from Dr. Abshire, allowed the use of online tools  to aide our discussions to helped reinforce knowledge from assignments and items that are looked into for an action research plan.  

During the readings, Examining what we do to improve our schools: 8 steps to improve our schools. I was able to find a good structure of how to start an action research plan.  In Examining what we do to improve our schools: 8 steps to improve our schools book, helped with how to use the action research plan in examining what we do to improve research.  Practitioners are able to use a different type of formulas to implement a quality program and still having the core essence of the formula of learning and improving the school through a type of research.   

Searches for the information by going online and searching can bring an abundant load of data and information.  Most of the information is there to help you but sometimes there is way too much information to decipher. While looking at how the two books talk about research and how it is used is good when looking at the meaningful pieces of data.  Again some information from the data may not be useful pieces and shouldn't be considered.  However identifying the key pieces of data through research is a way to understand the dilemmas within a school. 

The assignments also helped me be actively engaged in trying to implement an activity.  Looking at the different aspects of that activity and finding ways of starting implementing the idea has worked well.  Interacting with my site supervisor, Dr. Miller has allowed me to understand the administrative point of view has brought a new light on the educational institution. 

The discussion boards were helpful in allowing me to look at other peoples ideas and to gain other points of view with certain problems.  Seeing how the other educational leaders are finding solutions to their problems has helped me understand other problems in the educational atmosphere.  Some of their problems and how they work out those problems has given me some advice on how to solve similar problems.  The discussion board also allowed me to illustrate ideas and give feedback to other the help them with their action research problems.  

In the blogs for the action research course, I was able to share problems with people all over the world.  While read the blog, a professional can see where the action is taken place in the action research topic.  While reflecting the ideas, so that there can be a faster generation of new ideas through other professional comments on my blog. 


Fichman, Nancy Dana (2009). Leading with passion and knowledge: The principal as action Researcher. Thousand Oaks, CA: Corwin Press.

Harris, S., Edmonson, S., and Combs, J. (2010). Examining what we do to improve our schools: 8 steps to improve our schools. Eye on Education Press.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Action Plan

Increase performance of economically disadvantage  and minority students
Advisory lessons 
Lessons with positive stories 
positive parties 
up programs where a sense of integrity is inputed 
parent involvement 

Student data (Secondary Formative Assessments, Unit Tests, Class Data, School Data) 
Student inquiries appearance inquiries.
Leadership Team
Committee Team
6 weeks implementation 
2 week assessment with activities specific targeting different aspects of positive behavior. 
6 week implementation 
2 week assessment 

District questions 
District secondary formative assessments 
Unit Tests
class data 
school data 
implementation of update make adjustments as needed
Create an empowering climate where sharing habits of life long learning is displayed by teachers 
Reduction of stress
Increase efficiency 
data from class school 
nine weeks this assessment nine weeks assessment 
checklist survey class data
implementation of update make adjustments as needed
Establish vision, set and maintain educational standards
 e-mail newsletters grade level teach 


a monthly 
survey data student data
between months 10 and 12 implementation of update make adjustments as needed

Guide a team oriented resolution to problems to solving problems
Team meeting
data printable 
a monthly 
survey data student data
implementation of update make adjustments as needed

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The Mere Purpose

You have heard the saying, “Don’t reinvent the wheel.” Reinventing the wheel or sharing what the wheel even does, requires knowledge and an understanding which is greater than the mere purpose of wheel.  This week, in exploring, how to implement the PBIS program to target the development of the performance of a specific student group.  In this current action research plan, I've gained the power of abstract thought and comprehension to the implementation of a program. 
For the past month, we have had an interim principal and just recently, a new perdurable principal.  Should a new school vision be in order, if we have a new principal? Will there be a similar vision of how the PBIS program going to be envisioned? As the internal structure is rotating and circulating, does the vision? The different emphasis in the vision of our new principal will be incorporated into the free-flowing closed system.  
Now learning what is needed for the revamped PBIS program is part of the implementation of the action research plan.  There are many items needing to be compiled and analyzed.  Analyzing those items requires time, and time to reflect on how the data is being published to support the needs for different areas. Understanding the target for my action research plan could reach 50% of the student population is empowering.  The different people involved in supporting those areas and having an ongoing assessment and reassessment tool is managed by the principal.  
Being a performance management school leads data to be analyzed so there can be a change to the daily routine.  The change can help become more engaged and the student can perform better in the classroom.  Staff can develop a better understanding of how a straightforward lesson can impact a student in a wonderful way.  

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

A Reflection of Extensive Information

This week was full of learning, listening and understanding the needs of the school. The need for the students is vast and unclear at times.  However action must taken to help the students achieve success in school.  When the students are successful every aspect of the school is being met with success.  
I learning there is a need for leadership in committees and there are multiple opportunities to build in leadership roles.  When those roles are filled the passionate educational leaders the staff then commits a positive culture in the school.  This culture then build on to the environment and the environment then changes to a higher achieving condition.  
Listening to the concerns and issues and how they want certain programs to be conducted. The problem is deciphering what is really being implied. Are they really wanting this to happen the way they are saying it, or are they really wanting something else?  The information administrators and staff member are divulging  is warranted however could the information be more precise? 
Understanding all of this is for the benefit and success of the students.  This is the purpose, all of this is for the benefit and success of the students.